Over 50 years of experience in working with real estate investors.
David Rockaway

David Rockaway is a Co-Founding Member of Heartland Capital
Group. David has 30 years of real estate experience, including 16 years of principal-side investment management experience. Prior to establishing Heartland, Mr. Rockaway was a principal at Dallas-based private equity fund The Hampstead Group, where he participated in just under $200 million in transactions for businesses valued at over $1 billion. At various stages throughout his career, Mr. Rockaway has served on the loan workout committee for a $400 million+ portfolio, managed the acquisition/sale due diligence for almost $700 million in loans, and participated in the due diligence for the $15 billion acquisition of First Nationwide Bank. Mr. Rockaway holds a Bachelor in Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Master of Business Administration with honors from the University of Texas at Austin.